Welcome to Rougham Acorns and Woodlands preschool and wrap-round childcare provision.
Acorns and Woodlands are based behind the site of Rougham C of E Primary School in Suffolk and we work in close partnership with our local school to provide excellent early years provision and wrap-round child care for all children aged 2 - 12 years in the local area, including Rougham, Thurston, Bradfield and Bury St Edmunds.
We are really proud of our excellent indoor and outdoor facilities and superb staff at Acorns and Woodlands, many of whom have been with us for a number of years. Please take a look at our staff page to find out more.
On our website you'll find out all the information you need about the services we offer, including our increasingly popular holiday club scheme running during the the holidays. Have a browse around and feel free to contact us with any questions you may have.
We aim to keep our website up-to-date with lots of exciting news and info about what's going on at Acorns and Woodlands so make sure you check back soon!
We look forward to welcoming you and your children Acorns and Woodlands in the future.
Vanessa and the Acorns Team xx